Since 1946, Fonderia Carroccio manufactures castings in gray cast iron (EN-GJL) and, since 1981, thanks to the installation of electric furnaces, the company also specialized in the production of castings in spheroidal graphite cast iron or ductile iron (EN-GJS), high resilience (EN-GJS-350-22-LT) and heat resistant (EN-GJS-SiMo).
The plants, automated and mechanized, thanks to their versatility, allow to satisfy requests from small to medium range (up to 2000 pcs / year).
An equipped hand molding department allows the realization of castings difficult to achieve, up to a weight of 3000 kg. It's also possible the realization of castings from polystyrene patterns for single executions.
An equipped hand molding department allows the realization of castings difficult to achieve, up to a weight of 3000 kg. It's also possible the realization of castings from polystyrene patterns for single executions.
The industry of marine engines, mechanical, iron and steel, textile, agricultural and many others are those areas where our professionalism has the greatest return.
We have a fully equipped laboratory for chemical analysis, cast iron metallographic structure and hardness' control.
An internal pattern-making unit always keeps in good condition the customer's property equipment and can perform minor repairs.
In 2013 we achieved the certificate of approval for the Quality Management System UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 and, in previous years, the one of "approved supplier" for the production of "casting in spheroidal graphite iron" from RINA – Registro Italiano Navale and L.R. (Lloyd’s Register).
During the last years, the growing request of machined castings led us to improve our customer service, setting up a close partnership with external trusted companies, to whom entrust many secondary processing, like machining, painting, NDT non-destructive testing etc.
In 2016 we celebrated 70 years of activity. A great achievement that can be reached only with strong fundamentals like capability, professionalism, high quality of materials and services provided in pre and post sales. All those factors allows us to be a top-flight Company, appreciated both in the italian market and in the always more competitive international market.